Supreme Court case information

Listed below are the substantive Supreme Court cases for the year along with appeals still to be determined or cases awaiting hearing. 

Information giving an overview of the case is included along with media releases and links to judgments being appealed when available.

All 2024 - 2014 Supreme Court cases dismissed or deemed to be dismissed where a notice of abandonment was received can be found here.

Transcripts for cases heard before the Supreme Court are included provided they are not suppressed. Transcripts from pre-trial hearings are not published until the final disposition of trial. These are unedited transcripts and they are not a formal record of the Court’s proceedings. The Ministry of Justice does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use.

24 June 2024

Case information summary 2024 (as at 21 June 2024) –  Cases where leave granted (121 KB)
Case information summary 2024 (as at 21 June 2024)  – Cases where leave to appeal decision not yet made (PDF, 125 KB)

All years

Case name
Contract Pacific Limited v Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Case number
SC 114/2009
Civil Appeal – Taxation – Whether the Commissioner satisfied the time limits contained in s 46 of the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 – Whether Contract Pacific had already been paid a refund for the purposes of s 241 (6) (a) of the Taxation (Taxpayer Assessment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2001. [2009] NZCA 568    CA  759/2009   4 December  2009
Application for leave to appeal granted.
4 March 2010
Appeal dismissed. Costs $15,000 to the respondent, plus disbursements.
16 November 2010
Case name
Matthew John Birchler v New Zealand Police
Case number
SC 116/2009
Criminal – appeal directly from the High Court under s 144A(1)(a) of the Summary Proceedings Act 1957 – intended appeal against the determination of the High Court by way of case stated under s 107 of the Summary Proceedings Act – whether direct appeal to the Supreme Court appropriate given that the Court of Appeal has previously refused leave to appeal on this point on the basis that there were no grounds for challenge to the well established interpretation of s 108 of the Summary Proceedings Act in Davis v Mingins (HC, Rot, AP 48/91, 30/10/91, Fisher J). CRI 2009 485 83  25 November 2009

Application for leave to appeal granted.

18 March 2010


Appeal allowed. Order made in the High Court remitting the matter for consideration in the District Court is quashed.

Reasons to be given later.

Case name
The Attorney-General of New Zealand v Mervyn Chapman
Case number
SC 120/2009
Civil – Crown liability for judicial breaches of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in law by holding that the Attorney-General is the correct defendant in an action alleging breaches of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 by a Registrar and judges of the Court of Appeal – If not, whether the Court of Appeal erred in law by holding that the Attorney-General is not entitled to the same immunities as the person who committed the alleged breaches.[2009] NZCA 552 CA 245/2008  25 November 2009
Application for leave to appeal granted. The approved ground is whether Bill of Rights damages can be ordered against the Attorney-General on behalf of the Crown for breach of fair trial rights by judicial conduct in respect of which the judicial officer is immune from liability. 
31 March 2010
Case name
Elders New Zealand Limited v PGG Wrightson Lmited
Case number
SC 7/2008
Civil – Contract Law – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that an amalgamation approved under Part 15 of the Companies Act 1993 has the legal consequences provided for in s 219 of that Act – Whether an amalgamating company is entitled to “pick and choose” between Part 13 and Part 15 of the Companies Act 1993 – Whether the terms of the amalgamation order created the effect prescribed in Part 13 even though the order was made pursuant to Part 15 – Whether the applicant was bound by the Part 15 order although the order did not state that the applicant was bound.[2007] NZCA 596 CA 277/06 21 December 2007
Application for leave to appeal granted.
18 April 2008
Appeal dismissed.Costs to respondent $15,000, together with reasonable disbursements.
5 December 2008
Case name
Jonathan Nuki Lummis Jarden v The Queen
Case number
SC 14/2008
Criminal Appeal – conspiracy to supply methamphetamine – appeal against sentence - whether a Court should use sentencing guidelines based on actual supply of specified weights of drugs when considering a sentence for conspiracy to supply an unspecified quantity of drugs - whether the Court of Appeal considered such a distinction when dismissing the appeal to that Court[2008] NZCA 48 CA292/07 5 March 2008
Media Releases
Substantive judgment
Leave judgment - leave granted

Application for leave to appeal granted.
9 May 2008


Appeal allowed. Sentence of three years imprisonment
quashed. Sentence of two years six months imprisonment substituted.
28 August 2008

Case name
Ngai Tahu Properties Limited v Central Plains Water Trust and Canterbury Regional Council
Case number
SC 15/2008
Civil – Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) – competing resource consent applications to take (and use) water from a finite natural resource – whether the Court of Appeal majority assessed the priority of claims correctly – whether the “ready for notification” test should apply in such cases – how a consent authority decision not to proceed with notification under s 91 RMA should affect priority of claims.[2008] NZCA 71 CA69/07 19 March 2008
Application for leave to appeal granted. 24 June 2008
Interim decision released 
26 March 2009
Notice of Abandonment being lodged the appeal is deemed to be dismissed.
2 June 2009
Case name
Shaun Antony King v The Queen
Case number
SC 18/2008
Criminal – appeal by way of case stated – Juries Act 1981 – applicant challenges the legality and fairness of jury-vetting, under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, the Privacy Act 1993 and the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 – whether controls should operate over prosecution use of information including, but not limited to, the criminal history of a potential jury member – whether disclosure by the prosecution to the defence should be required in relation to such information.[2008] NZCA 79 CA 207/2007 10 April 2008
Leave judgment - leave granted
Case name
Mark Moncrieff Stevens and others v Premium Real Estate Limited
Case number
SC 23/2008
Civil Appeal – Breach of fiduciary duty and Fair Trading Act 1986 – Damages – Advertising and sale of residential property where absence full disclosure by agent to principal of close, ongoing commercial relationship with purchaser – Whether Court of Appeal erred in quantification of damages assessment, including whether correct measure of loss includes profit made by third party (rather than fiduciary) as result of breach of fiduciary duty.[2008] NZCA 82 CA 31/07 11 April 2008
Leave to appeal and cross appeal granted.
29 July 2008
The appellants’ appeal is allowed.The respondent’s appeal is dismissed.  The respondent is ordered to pay the appellants damages of $659,813 and to repay to them the commission of $67,050. The judgment sums will bear interest at 7% per annum from 16 July 2004 (the date of settlement).The appellants are awarded costs in this Court of $15,000 and costs in the Court of Appeal of $6,000, together in each case with their reasonable disbursements as fixed by the respective Registrars if not otherwise agreed between the parties.
6 March 2009
Case name
Deborah Gordon-Smith v The Queen
Case number
SC 32/2008
Criminal – Appeal by way of case stated – Juries Act 1981 – Challenge under New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, Privacy Act 1993 and Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004 to legality and fairness of jury-vetting by Police so as to provide Prosecutor with information including, but not limited to, non-disqualifying criminal histories of persons on jury list – Jurisdiction – Leave on same grounds as King v R (SC 18/2008) sought – Jurisdiction issue relevant to King case sole reason for application for leave and to be included as a party to King case.[2008] NZCA 79 CA 207/2007 10 April 2008
Media Releases
Substantive judgment
Leave judgment - leave granted

25 July 2008 – Application for leave to appeal granted.


Appeal dismissed.

23 March 2009


Hearing date : 10 July 2008

Hearing date : 3 December 2008 

Elias CJ, Blanchard, Tipping, McGrath, Wilson JJ.

Case name
Alisdair Bruce Aylwin v New Zealand Police
Case number
SC 33/2008
Criminal – appeal by way of case stated – whether, on a charge of driving with excess breath alcohol, evidence must be given by the prosecution as to the manner in which the breath screening and/or evidential breath tests were carried out – whether the principle of omnia praesumuntur operates to place an evidentiary burden on the defence to raise this question.[2008] NZCA 154  CA 227/07  6 June 2008
Application for leave to appeal granted.
29 July 2008
Appeal dismissed.
19 December 2008
Media Releases
Leave judgment - leave granted