Supreme Court case information

Listed below are the substantive Supreme Court cases for the year along with appeals still to be determined or cases awaiting hearing. 

Information giving an overview of the case is included along with media releases and links to judgments being appealed when available.

All 2024 - 2014 Supreme Court cases dismissed or deemed to be dismissed where a notice of abandonment was received can be found here.

Transcripts for cases heard before the Supreme Court are included provided they are not suppressed. Transcripts from pre-trial hearings are not published until the final disposition of trial. These are unedited transcripts and they are not a formal record of the Court’s proceedings. The Ministry of Justice does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use.

16 September 2024

Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024) –  Cases where leave granted (122 KB)
Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024)  – Cases where leave to appeal decision not yet made (PDF, 124 KB)

All years

Case name
Gordana Vukomanovic v The Residence Review Board
Case number
SC 140/2010
Civil – s 115(1) and 146A of the Immigration Act 1987 – Appeal against the decision of the High Court declaring that the Court had no jurisdiction to consider an appeal brought out of time against a decision of the Residence Review Board. Civ 2010 485 497  Miller J 20 May 2010.
Leave judgment - leave dismissed

Application for leave to appeal is dismissed with no order for costs.

9 March  2010.
Case name
JMW v The Queen
Case number
SC 141/2010
Criminal Appeal  – Proposed “leap frog” appeal – Whether jurisdiction exists to hear proposed appeal – Whether challenges based on jurisdiction of the High Court, due process, alleged abuses of rights, accuracy of documents and sufficiency of evidence ought to be upheld.   Cri 2010 092 2879  Brewer J  11 October 2010
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Not publicly available

Application for leave to appeal dismissed.

7  March 2011.
Case name
WAH v WTW and others
Case number
SC 142/2010
Civil Appeal – Care of Children Act 2004 – High Court made order that children should remain under guardianship of High Court and that permanent homes outside the family be found – Whether High Court adopted the wrong test under s 5(e) Care of Children Act for assessing psychological violence to children – Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding High Court Judge not required to recuse herself – Whether High Court gave insufficient weight to Māori cultural issues – Whether High Court wrong to call appellant’s former counsel as witness – Whether Court of Appeal failed to address constitutional separation of powers issue.[2010] NZCA 577  CA 40/2010  2 December 2010
Leave judgment - leave dismissed

The application by the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development for leave to intervene is granted.

The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.

14 March 2011.

Case name
Case number
SC 1/2009
Civil – family law – Property (Relationships) Act 1908 – parties ended a de facto relationship but subsequently married and later separated again – Court of Appeal held that, for the purposes of s 4C of the Act, the parties’ marriage was not a continuation of their de facto relationship – whether the Court of Appeal was correct to apply a different yardstick in deciding whether a relationship had come to an end for married and de facto couples during a period of temporary separation.[2008] NZCA 520  CA 412/2008 2 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal refused. 17 March 2009
Case name
Case number
SC 2/2009
Civil Appeal – Hague Convention – Sections 105 and 106 Care of Children Act 2004 – Appeal against Court of Appeal’s refusal to stay Family Court order to return children to Australia – whether children at grave risk if returned to Australia – whether the children were habitually resident in New Zealand – whether the children’ s human rights have been breached.[2008] NZCA 586  CA 776/2007  24 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal dismissed.
4 February 2009
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
David Cullen Bain v The Queen
Case number
SC 3/2009
[2008] NZCA 585  CA 572/2008, CA 672/2008  24 December 2008
Notice of  Abandonment of Appeal being lodged, the appeal is deemed to be dismissed.
9 February 2009
Case name
Michael Gregory v Thomas Patrick  Joseph Gollan and others
Case number
SC 4/2009
Civil appeal - application for proceeding to trial by judge and jury – alleged wrongful arrest – whether proceedings involve mainly questions of law – whether discretion to allow trial by judge has been properly exercised - whether trial by judge denies the appellant of constitutional rights – whether c.29 Magna Carta applies to civil proceedings concerning wrongful arrest.[2008] NZCA 568  CA 699/2007  19 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal dismissed. Costs $2,500 to respondent.
30 March 2009
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Arthur William Taylor v The Queen
Case number
SC 5/2009
Criminal Appeal – kidnapping and escaping from lawful custody – appeal against conviction and sentence – whether a plea of previous acquittal was available to the applicant at his trial – whether the Court of Appeal was correct to hold that whether the applicant was in lawful custody was an issue for the judge – whether the sentence was excessive [2008] NZCA 558  CA 61/2008  17 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
15 May 2009
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Beverley Rawleigh v Derek Maxwell Tait
Case number
SC 6/2009
Civil – Breach of fiduciary duty – Liability – Solicitor acted for both husband and wife in a transaction without informed consent of wife – Whether a solicitor is liable for losses flowing from a transaction in which he acted for a client in breach of his fiduciary duty to avoid conflicts of interest where the client would have entered into the transaction in any event.[2008] NZCA 525  CA 609/2007  3 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal is dismissed. Costs $2,500 to the respondent.
17 February 2009
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Kimberley Birkenfeld v Anthony Bruce Kendall and Yachting New Zealand Inc
Case number
SC 7/2009
Civil Appeal – damages claim in negligence following boating accident causing physical injury to the applicant – permanent stay ordered in Court of Appeal – whether Court of Appeal failed to consider issues before it – whether Court of Appeal should give reasons in relation to issues that did not need to be decided in order to dismiss the appeal – whether Court of Appeal sufficiently accommodated the applicant’s disabilities.[2008] NZCA 531  CA 570/2007  4 December 2008
Application for leave to appeal dismissed with costs $2500 to the respondents jointly. 1 July 2009
Leave judgment - leave dismissed