Supreme Court case information

Listed below are the substantive Supreme Court cases for the year along with appeals still to be determined or cases awaiting hearing. 

Information giving an overview of the case is included along with media releases and links to judgments being appealed when available.

All 2024 - 2014 Supreme Court cases dismissed or deemed to be dismissed where a notice of abandonment was received can be found here.

Transcripts for cases heard before the Supreme Court are included provided they are not suppressed. Transcripts from pre-trial hearings are not published until the final disposition of trial. These are unedited transcripts and they are not a formal record of the Court’s proceedings. The Ministry of Justice does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use.

16 September 2024

Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024) –  Cases where leave granted (122 KB)
Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024)  – Cases where leave to appeal decision not yet made (PDF, 124 KB)

All years

Case name
Peter Mana McNamara v The Queen
Case number
SC 33/2006
Criminal – appeal against conviction – sexual offending – complainant protected by Evidence Act 1908, s 23A – complainant’ s credibility in issue – Crown Prosecutor addressed complainant’s sexual experience and reputation in submissions – defence unable to respond to those submissions without leave – whether the submissions breached the spirit and intent of s 23A – whether the trial Judge failed to adequately direct jury not to accept or to ignore the submissions CA 310/05  11 April 2006
Application for leave to appeal dismissed.
29 June 2006
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Alistair James Haskett v The Queen
Case number
SC 34/2006
Criminal – appeal against conviction for driving at a speed exceeding 100 kilometres per hour – use of speed camera image as evidence of offence – whether production of image purporting to be taken by approved vehicle surveillance equipment is sufficient evidence to prove offence – requirements for testing and accuracy of approved vehicle surveillance equipment – Land Transport Act 1998, ss 145, 146 CA 261/05 30 March 2006
Application for leave to appeal dismissed.
3 July 2006
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
John Wharemako Gillies v The Queen
Case number
SC 35/2006
Criminal – defendant convicted for possession of drugs for supply – whether Court of Appeal erred in refusing to consider whether trial judge had misdirected jury – whether trial judge obliged to direct jury to consider a defence reasonably open to it but disavowed by the defendant. CA 252/05 28 March 2006
Appeal dismissed.
20 July 2006
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
The Secretary for Justice As the New Zealand Central Authority v HJ
Case number
SC 36/2006
Summary Civil appeal * Care of Children Act 2004 * children wrongfully removed to New Zealand by one parent * other parent made application for an order for children to be returned to Australia * statutory defence to an order available under s 106(1)(a) - whether the Court of Appeal erred in its construction of s 106(1)(a) * whether the Court of Appeal erred in its exercise of discretion under s 106(1)(a). CA 149/04 11 April 2006

Leave to appeal granted.

27 June 2006


The appeal is dismissed. Costs are reserved
16 November 2006

Case name
David Charles Adams v The Queen
Case number
SC 37/2006
Criminal – appeal against conviction for fraudulently using a document (a GST return) for the purposes of obtaining a pecuniary advantage – applicant incorporated a company for the purposes of reducing ACC levies of clients – applicant secured set-off against company’s GST liability and avoided accounting for GST collected by company – whether Court of Appeal erred in refusing to accept defence (not raised at trial) that company not liable for GST as not carrying on a taxable activity as defined in s 6 Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 – constitutional consequences of acceptance of applicant’s argument adverted to by Court of Appeal. CA 313/05 12 April 2006
Application for leave to appeal dismissed.
21 July 2006
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Junior Farms Ltd v Hampton Securities Ltd (In Liquidation)
Case number
SC 38/2006
Civil – conveyancing transactions – damages awarded against first respondent for value of land for which first respondent failed to compensate appellant – whether quantum erroneously calculated by trial Judge – whether trial Judge mistaken as to how original purchase price had been calculated – trial Judge’s award, confirmed by Court of Appeal, less than half of the figure claimed by appellant and unchallenged at trial – Court of Appeal’s determinations on interest not challenged. CA 218/04, CA 258/04 12 April 2006
The applications for leave to appeal by both the appellant and second respondent are dismissed.  
16 August 2006
Case name
Commerce Commission v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Limited
Case number
SC 39/2006
Civil – dairy industry restructuring – raw milk regulations – whether “cost of capital rate” refers to cost of equity capital rate or to “Weighted Average Cost of Capital” – Dairy Industry Restructuring (Raw Milk) Regulations 2001, reg 9(1) CA 175/05 4 May 2006
Application for leave to appeal granted. 
17 August 2006
The appeal is allowed and all relevant orders made in the courts below are set aside. A. The Court declares that the capital referred to in reg 9(1) of the Dairy Industry Restructuring (Raw Milk) Regulations 2001 is the respondent’s equity capital.
B. The respondent is to pay the appellant costs of $15,000 plus disbursements to be fixed, if necessary, by the Registrar. In the absence of agreement costs below are to be fixed by the courts below.
Case name
Glen Dallas Goldberg v The Queen
Case number
SC 40/2006
Criminal – appeal against conviction and sentence for wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice – appellant wrote letters purporting to be from rape complainants, suggesting that their complaints were false – whether appellant gave counsel instructions to pass the letters on to police – whether Court of Appeal erred in failing to accept breach of solicitor/client privilege – whether Court of Appeal erred in failing to exclude evidence of psychologists in sentencing – whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding sentence not manifestly excessive – conduct of Crown counsel. CA 10/05 4 May 2006
Application for leave to appeal dismissed.
9 August 2006
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Qiu Jian v The Queen
Case number
SC 41/2006
Criminal Appeal – appeal against conviction for blackmail – whether standard of proof required for Crown to satisfy co-conspirators rule of evidence is on balance of probabilities or reasonable evidence of common intention – whether failure to advise defendant to testify in her own defence amounted to a miscarriage of justice – whether trial judge failed to give sufficient direction to jury on use which could be made of threats made by alleged co-conspirators. CA 495/05  3 May 2006

29 September 2006 – Application for leave to appeal granted.


Appeal allowed, conviction is quashed. New Trial ordered.

5 July 2007

Case name
Alan Ivo Greer v The Attorney - General
Case number
SC 42/2006
Criminal – appeal against Court of Appeal judgment dismissing application for habeas corpus – whether Court of Appeal erred in finding that habeas corpus not the appropriate remedy where applicant alleges denial of appeal rights – whether a denial of appeal rights caused by lack of information and availability of appropriate appeal forms to prisoners – whether a denial of appeal rights where Court of Appeal refuses to accept for filing appeals on obsolete or incorrect forms – delay in appeal rights. CA 5/06 22 May 2006