Supreme Court case information

Listed below are the substantive Supreme Court cases for the year along with appeals still to be determined or cases awaiting hearing. 

Information giving an overview of the case is included along with media releases and links to judgments being appealed when available.

All 2024 - 2014 Supreme Court cases dismissed or deemed to be dismissed where a notice of abandonment was received can be found here.

Transcripts for cases heard before the Supreme Court are included provided they are not suppressed. Transcripts from pre-trial hearings are not published until the final disposition of trial. These are unedited transcripts and they are not a formal record of the Court’s proceedings. The Ministry of Justice does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material and recommends that users exercise their own skill and care with respect to its use.

16 September 2024

Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024) –  Cases where leave granted (122 KB)
Case information summary 2024 (as at 13 September 2024)  – Cases where leave to appeal decision not yet made (PDF, 124 KB)

All years

Case name
Christian John Gillibrand and Mary Caecilia Gillibrand (as trustees of The Chris and Mary Gillibrand family trust) v George Peter Swanepoel
Case number
SC 106/2018
Civil Appeal – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing the appeal against the admissibility of evidence under s 25 of the Evidence Act 2006.
A The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
B Costs of $2,500 are awarded to the respondent.
21 February 2019
Case name
Christopher Robert Halpin v The Queen
Case number
SC 107/2018
Criminal Appeal –  Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing the applicant’s appeal against a decision declining his application to vacate his guilty pleas.
The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
21 February 2019
District Court decision
Not publicly available
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Gerardus Peter van Uden v Commissioner of Inland Revenue
Case number
SC 108/2018
Civil Appeal – Income Tax Act 1994, s OE 1 – Meaning of “ permanent place of abode” –Taxation of income in New Zealand while working overseas – Whether the Court of Appeal was right to dismiss the applicant’s appeal against the High Court’s decision.
A The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
B The applicant must pay the respondent costs of $2,500.
19 March 2019
Case name
George Robert Jolley v The King
Case number
SC 109/2018
Criminal Appeal – Whether the jury vetting process and other irregularities in the trial resulted in a miscarriage of justice.
The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
1 April 2019
The application for recall of this Court’s judgment of 1 April 2019 (Jolley v R [2019] NZSC 34) is dismissed.
19 December 2022
Date of hearing
01 November 2022
Winkelman CJ, Glazebrook, O'Regan, Ellen France and Kós JJ
Case name
Rex Lawrence Wilson v The Queen
Case number
SC 110/2018
Criminal Appeal – Whether the prosecutor’s closing submissions were proper – Whether the trial Judge properly directed the jury – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing the appeal against conviction.
The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.                                    
18 June 2019
High Court decision
Not publicly available
Court of Appeal decision
Not publicly available
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Commercial Factors Limited v Jeffrey Philip Meltzer, Lloyd James Hayward and Arron Leslie Heath
Case number
SC 111/2018
Civil appeal – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in holding that the appellant funder was not entitled to payment according to the terms of its litigation funding agreement with the respondents as liquidators of Blue Chip New Zealand Ltd.
A The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
B The applicant must pay to the respondents costs of $2,500.
27 February 2019
Case name
John Gary Davidoff v The Queen
Case number
SC 112/2018
Criminal Appeal – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in dismissing the applicant’s appeal against conviction.
A The application for an extension of time to appeal is granted.
B The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
20 March 2019
District Court decision
Not publicly available
Leave judgment - leave dismissed
Case name
Shreesh Basnyat v New Zealand Police
Case number
SC 113/2018
Criminal Appeal – Sentencing Act 2002 – Whether there are exceptional circumstances justifying a direct appeal against a decision of the High Court dismissing an appeal against a refusal to discharge the applicant without conviction.
The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
5 March 2019
Case name
H v The Queen
Case number
SC 114/2018
Order prohibiting publication of the judgment or any part of the proceedings (including the result) in the news media or on the internet or other publicly available database until final disposition of the trial. Publication in a law report or law digest permitted.  

Order prohibiting publication of the judgment and any part of the proceedings (including the result) in news media or on the internet or other publicly available database until final disposition of trial. Publication in law report or law digest permitted.
27 February 2019

Court of Appeal decision
Not publicly available
High Court/District Court judgment
Not publicly available
Case name
P v The Queen
Case number
SC 115/2018
Order prohibiting publication of the judgment or any part of the proceedings (including the result) in the news media or on the internet or other publicly available database until final disposition of the trial. Publication in a law report or law digest permitted.  

Order prohibiting publication of the judgment and any part of the proceedings (including the result) in news media or on the internet or other publicly available database until final disposition of trial. Publication in law report or law digest permitted.
27 February 2019

Court of Appeal decision
Not publicly available
High Court/District Court judgment
Not publicly available