2024 Fourth Consultation
The Rules Committee did, in August 2024, invite comments from previous submitters to the Access to Civil Justice project and other invited parties on the implementation of its proposed amendments to the High Court Rules 2016. The Committee's broad policy decisions had already been made and the Committee did not reconsider them. Submissions were sought on the details of the proposed amendments rather than the broad policy decisions.
The documents provided for consideration were:
- Rules Committee's Drafting Instructions to Parliamentary Counsel Office
- Relevant extracts from the minutes of Rules Committee meetings
- Draft amendments to the High Court Rules 2016
- Flowchart: overview of commencement, case management and preparation for trial in ordinary proceedings
The Rules Committee considered all submissions at its meeting of 30 September 2024:
- A compilation of the submissions can be found here
- A memorandum from the Access to Justice sub-committee, comprising Justice Cooke and Daniel Kalderimis KC, can be found here
- The Committee's discussion of the submissions and memorandum can be found at Item 3a of the minutes of its 30 September 2024 meeting.