Emelysifa Jessop v The Queen - SC 8/2006


Criminal - appeal against conviction and sentence for aggravated robbery - whether Court of Appeal was unlawfully constituted contrary to New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 ("NZBORA"), ss 25(a), 25(h); International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ("ICCPR"), arts 14, 26; Judicature Act 1908, ss 9A, 58, 58G - whether undue trial or appellate delay contrary to NZBORA, s 25; ICCPR art 14 - whether failure to consider rights of the child pursuant to NZBORA, s 25(i); United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child - admissibility of identification parade and video interview evidence - whether case should have been re-committed to High Court - whether trial judge biased - effect of principle of equality of arms - adequacy of trial judge's summing up - whether sentence manifestly excessive . CA 13/00 19 December 2005.


Leave to Appeal dismissed.
27 March 2006

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