Evgeny Orlov v Anza Distributing NZ Limited and USG Interiors Pacific Limited - SC 136/2010


Civil – costs – whether Court of Appeal with jurisdiction to strike out appeal against costs judgment in circumstances where no dispute between parties and main purpose of appeal to challenge legal basis of decision and factual findings that counsel had failed to reach minimum standard of competence that should be attained by officers of the Court – whether appropriate for appellant to pay for an amicus to act as contradictor – whether Court of Appeal decision contravened appellant’s rights under New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990; International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights; and United Nations Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.   [2010] NZCA 536  CA 683/2009   22 November  2010

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Application for leave to appeal dismissed. No order for costs.

29 March 2011.