Georgina Kain, George Harry Couper Kain, George Charles Kain, George Thomas Carlton Kain and George Michael Kain and others v Jonathan Rhodes Hutton and others - SC 40/2007


Civil – dispute between family members over administration of a number of trusts – whether Court of Appeal erred in finding that resettlement of trust assets was valid – validity of exercise of power of appointment – power of advancement – s 41(c) of Trustee Act 1956 – whether appointment and settlement of shares was valid and not a fraud on the power – whether Court of Appeal erred in refusing to order the Second and Third Respondents to account to the trusts for profits made on the purchase of two farms – whether Court of Appeal erred in not finding a serious breach of trust – whether Court of Appeal erred in finding a particular part of consent order to be valid – interests of grandchildren – s 64A of Trustee Act 1956.CA 237/03, CA 271/04, CA 4/05 22 May 2007


Leave to appeal granted.

20 November 2007

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Additional Information

KAIN AND ORS v HUTTON AND ORS SC 40/2007 [7 August 2008]

Hearing date : 19 November 2007

Hearing date : 10 June 2008