Karen McGrath v Accident Compensation Corporation - SC 127/2010

Media releases


Civil – Accident Compensation Act 2001 – Whether Court of Appeal erred in holding that the ACC had a reasonable basis under s 110(3) Accident Compensation Act to require the Applicant to undergo a vocational independence assessment.[2010] NZCA 535  CA 302/2009  19 November  2010


A  The application for leave to appeal is granted.
B  The approved ground is whether the Court of Appeal in [2010] NZCA 535 has correctly interpreted and applied s 110(3) of the Accident Compensation Act 2001.
 8 March 2011
A The appeal is allowed and the notice given on 9 September 2008 by the Accident Compensation Corporation is quashed.
B Costs are reserved.  Counsel may file memoranda if necessary.
7 July 2011

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Hearing date : 2 June 2011

Elias CJ, Blanchard, Tipping, McGrath, William Young J.