Lewis Ata Turahui for and on behalf of Araukuku Hapu v The Waitangi Tribunal, and The Attorney-General, and Nga Hapu O Ngaruahine Iwi Incorporated and Te Runanga O Ngati Ruanui Trust - SC 100/2016


Civil Appeal – Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that the Taranaki Tribunal had found no breach of Treaty principles in relation to a Waitangi Tribunal claim– Whether the Court of Appeal erred in finding that a delay in seeking an urgent hearing is a relevant consideration for the Waitangi Tribunal when deciding whether to hold an urgent hearing. [2016] NZCA 387 CA448/2015


A  The application for leave to appeal is dismissed.
B   There is no award of costs.
1 December 2016

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LEWIS ATA TŪRĀHUI for and on behalf of ĀRAUKŪKŪ HAPŪ V THE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL [2016] NZCA 387      10 August 2016