Pimthong Udompun v Minister of Immigration and New Zealand Police - SC 38/2005


Bill of Rights - Whether a failure to make a properly qualified interpreter available is a breach of s27(1) NZBORA - Whether the handing to a detainee a form in the detainee's native language setting out her NZBORA rights satisfied her rights under s23(1) - Whether a Baigent's award of $4000 for breach of s23(5) NZBORA is distinctly inadequate in the circumstances - Whether, having established a breach of the NZBORA, the authority concerned should fully meet reasonable indemnity costs and disbursements - Whether award should be with interest from the date of the breach. CA 244/03 26 May 2005


Application for leave to appeal is dismissed. 9 February 2006

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Hearing date : 3 February 2006

Attorney-General v Udompun [2005] NZCA 128 (26 May 2005)