R v Daveron (Sentencing) - [2024] NZHC 1658

Date of Judgment

21 June 2024


R v Daveron (Sentencing) (PDF 276 KB)


Defendant found guilty by a jury of attempted murder (Crimes Act 1961, s 173).
Starting point of 11 years’ imprisonment adopted. Aggravating features of the offending included premeditation, serious injury, use of weapon, and acting in revenge. Attacking the head was also a relevant factor but only to a very minor degree. This placed the offending in band three of the R v Taueki [2005] 3 NZLR 372 (CA) sentencing bands for serious violent offending.

No uplift given for defendant’s previous convictions.

15 percent discount applied overall for defendant’s cultural background factors and addiction issues. Pre-sentence reports demonstrated defendant’s background of deprivation and frequent exposure to violence and substance abuse from a young age. Defendant had methamphetamine addiction at time of offending.
Minimum period of imprisonment not necessary to meet purposes under s 86 of the Sentencing Act 2002.
Defendant sentenced to nine years and four months’ imprisonment.