Southbourne Investments Limited v Greenmount Manufacturing Limited - SC 96/2006

Media releases


Civil appeal – option in deed of lease to purchase the relevant land - lessee’s purported exercise of option rejected by lessor because the exercise allegedly failed to conform with terms of the option – Court of Appeal, applying the Reporoa Stores “exact compliance” test, held that the option was validly exercised – whether the Court of Appeal in substance applied the “exact compliance” test – whether there was in fact “exact compliance” with the terms of the option. CA 90/06 21 November 2006


Application for leave to appeal granted.
20 April 2007
The appeal is allowed and the orders for summary judgment and specific performance are set aside.
The proceeding is remitted to the High Court.
The appellant is awarded costs in this Court of $13,000 together with reasonable disbursements to be fixed if necessary by the Registrar.

The costs order in the Court of Appeal is set aside. The appellant is awarded costs in that Court of $3,000.
2 August 2007

Hearing Transcripts

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