Symphony Group Limited v Vero Liability Insurance Ltd - SC 89/2008


Civil – whether an insured defendant may join its insurer to a proceeding as a third party pursuant to Rule 75 of the High Court Rules and resist an application for strike out - whether the Court of Appeal was correct to hold that Rule 75 does not apply where the plaintiff’s claim against the insured does not include a claim for which the insured is indemnified, but the plaintiff has notified the Court of its intention to add such a claim – whether the principle in Couch v Attorney General [2008] NZSC 45, that if a saving amendment can be made to a claim it should not be struck out, should apply by analogy where a saving amendment is to be made to a plaintiff’ s claim, that will give the defendant a right to indemnity from its insurers.[2008] NZCA 419   CA 132/08     23 October 2008


Notice of Abandonment of Appeal lodged. Appeal deemed to be dismissed.
9 July 2009

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Application for leave to appeal granted.

1 April 2009