The New Zealand Airline Pilots’ Association Industrial Union of Workers Incorporated v Air New Zealand Limited - SC 91/2006


Civil appeal – whether s44(2) of the Holidays Act 2003 permits an employee’s entitlement to the observance of designated public holidays to be transferred by agreement to another day or days so as to remove, in respect of the specified public holidays, entitlement under the Act to payment on a time and a half basis – whether leave to appeal should be granted notwithstanding that the applicant succeeded in the Court of Appeal.. CA 474/06 6 December 2006


Application for leave to appeal granted.
7 March 2007
Appeal and Cross Appeal dismissed.
Order of Court of Appeal remitting the proceeding to the Employment Court stands.
Costs to appellant $25,000 plus disbursements.
Order for Costs in Court of Appeal stands.
14 November 2007

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Air New Zealand v New Zealand Airline Pilots' Association Industrial Union of Workers Inc [2006] NZCA 307; 13 November 2006