Yuang Ying Zhang v The Queen - SC CRI 15/2004


Appeal against conviction - jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal to hear appeal following guilty plea - whether s19(2)(b) of the Interpretation Act 1999 allows substitution of repealed offences in indictment - whether conspiracy to evade the Fisheries Act 1993 by fraudulent means can amount to a conspiracy under s247 of the Crimes Act 1961 (repealed) where the conduct engaged in is not criminal. - whether R v Walters [1993] 1 NZLR 533 (CA) correct - whether charge related to more than one transaction in breach of s329(6) of the Crimes Act. CA 153/04 13 July 2004


Leave to appeal refused.
3 February 2005

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ZHANG v R [2004] NZCA 141 (13 July 2004)