Sex offences
- Assault with intent to commit sexual violation (Section 129(2) Crimes Act 1961)
- Attempted sexual violation (Sections 72 and 129(1) Crimes Act 1961)
- Exhibiting objectionable material to a person under 18 (Section 127)
- Exploitative sexual connection with a person who has a significant impairment (Section 138(1) Crimes Act 1961)
- Exploitatively doing an indecent act on a person who has a significant impairment (Section 138(4) Crimes Act 1961)
- Incest (Section 130 Crimes Act 1961)
- Indecent act on a child (Section 132(3) Crimes Act 1961)
- Indecent act on a young person under section 134(3) Crimes Act 1961 where the statutory defence is not raised
- Indecent act on a young person under section 134(3) Crimes Act 1961 where the statutory defence is raised
- Indecent act on dependent family member (Section 131(3) Crimes Act 1961)
- Indecent assault where consent is in issue (Section 135 Crimes Act 1961)
- Indecent assault where the issue is whether it happened; consent not in issue (Section 135 Crimes Act 1961)
- Making an intimate visual recording (Section 216H of the Crimes Act 1961)
- Organising or promoting child sex tours (Section 144C Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual connection with a child (Section 132(1) Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual connection with a young person under section 134(1) Crimes Act 1961 where the statutory defence is not raised
- Sexual connection with a young person under section 134(1) Crimes Act 1961 where the statutory defence is raised
- Sexual connection with dependent family member (Section 131(1) Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual grooming where the statutory defence is not raised (Sections 131B, 98AA(1)(f) and 98AA(3) of the Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual grooming where the statutory defence is raised (Sections 131B, 98AA(1)(f) and 98AA(3) of the Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual violation by rape – offending alleged prior to 1986 (Section 128 Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual violation by rape (Section 128 Crimes Act 1961)
- Sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection (Section 128 Crimes Act 1961)