Environment Court: COVID-19 Past Alert Level 3 Protocol (Auckland region)


Mediation and expert conferences
Filing of documents
Filing fees
Addresses for electronic filing of documents
Contact details for Deputy Registrar


Protocol: COVID-19 Past Alert Level 3

Chief Environment Court Judge David Kirkpatrick
12 August 2020

1.  This protocol applies to the Environment Court (Auckland registry) during COVID-19 Alert Level 3 and comes into effect on 12 August 2020.

2.  Any hearings, mediations and/or conferences that occur during COVID-19 Alert Level 3 will take place electronically and on a remote basis.  Alternatively, the parties may agree that matters can be heard “on the (electronic) papers”.


3.  Any hearings that proceed during this period will be conducted by audio-visual link or telephone.

4.  Special arrangements will be made for urgent hearings, if required.

5.  The Court will be flexible with its procedures and filing deadlines.  If deadlines are not able to be met, contact should be made with the registry by email to seek an extension of time.

Mediation and expert conferences

6.  Any mediations or expert conferences that proceed during this period will be conducted by audio-visual link or telephone.

Filing of documents

7.  Court documents may be filed by post or by email.  Court documents cannot be filed in person at the Court Registry.  The processing of any documents filed by post may be delayed.

8.  A general waiver suspending the requirement to file paper originals and copies is in place.

Filing fees

9.  The payment of fees can be made by direct debit or by cheque.  There is no ability to pay in person at the Court Registry.

10.  Fee waiver applications can be made as usual via email or mail.  Please contact the Court if you have any issues regarding the payment of fees.

Addresses for electronic filing of documents

11.  All electronic filing should be sent to the relevant case or hearing manager or the Court’s email address at environment.court@justice.govt.nz.

Contact details for Deputy Registrar

Gemma Carlyon
027 446 7193