Heads of bench

Each court is headed by a senior judge, usually described as the Chief Judge or Principal Judge of that court. Such positions are often referred to as 'Heads of Bench'.

Leadership of the courts is not comparable to the role of a head of a hierarchical organisation. The Head of Bench has administrative responsibilities in relation to the court but has no direct authority or responsibility over the judicial work of other judges. Judges are independent of each other and are not subject to any direction (in their judicial work) from any other judge, including the Head of Bench.

The Head of Bench's administrative responsibilities include scheduling the work of the court, determining where and when the court will sit, and issuing practice notes. In some courts that function is given by statute. In others, it is exercised by convention with the consent of the other judges.

Heads of Bench also deal with complaints about judges that are referred to them by  the Judicial Conduct Commissioner .

Current office holders are:

Chief Justice Helen Winkelmann
 President of the Court of Appeal Justice Christine French
Chief High Court Judge Justice Sally Fitzgerald 
Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu
Principal Family Court Judge Jackie Moran
Principal Youth Court Judge Ida Malosi
Chief Judge of the Employment Court Judge Christina Inglis
Chief Environment Court Judge David Kirkpatrick
Chief Judge Māori Land Court Caren Fox
Chief Coroner Judge Anna Tutton

Chief Judge of the Court Martial of New Zealand Judge Kevin Riordan

Principal Disputes Referee Janet Robertshawe

The Chief Justice is the head of the judiciary in New Zealand and is also the Head of Bench of the Supreme Court. The President of the Court of Appeal presides in the Court of Appeal and has statutory administrative responsibilities for that court. The President and the Chief High Court Judge are responsible to the Chief Justice for the administration of these courts.

Heads of Bench meet regularly with the Chief Justice to discuss issues of inter-bench concern and to provide the basis for the communication of collective judicial views to the Executive.