Practice Note for Bail Applications and Appeals




[1] Bail applications brought under s 54 of the Bail Act 2000 will be heard in the Court of Appeal in the following way:

(a) in Court (including by AVL, where permitted, but not by telephone) and not on the papers;

(b) by a single Judge (or by three where s 333(3) of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011 applies); and

(c) listed in the online daily fixtures list and Court foyer list (the form of listing being subject to applicable suppression orders).

[2] Bail appeals brought under s 42 of the Act will be heard in the Court of Appeal in the following way:

(a) in Court (unless the criteria in s 329(2) or (3) of the Criminal Procedure Act apply, in which event the appeal will be dealt with on the papers);

(b) by three Judges in either case; and

(c) listed as in [1](c) above.


Stephen Kós P
6 May 2019


Practice Note for Bail Applications and Appeals (pdf, 268 KB)