Court of Appeal Workload statistics for 1 January 2018 - 31 December 2018

Court workload

The Court’s workload increased in 2018 with a total of 1003 new matters filed (697 appeals and 306 applications). This is an 11 percent increase on total workload compared to 2017. A total number of 891 matters were disposed in 2018 (620 appeals and 271 applications), a slight increase on the previous year’s disposals.

Civil jurisdiction

In the 2018 calendar year new civil appeal filings increased by 2 percent (5 appeals) to 239 new appeals compared to the preceding 12 months. New civil application filings increased by 22 percent (35 applications) to 193 in 2018. Civil appeal disposals decreased by 10 percent (23 appeals) to 218 appeals over the same period. Civil application disposals increased by 14 percent (20 applications) to 164. As at 31 December 2018, the number of active civil appeals increased by 15 percent (21 appeals) to 161 active appeals compared to the previous year and the number of active civil applications increased by 66 percent (29 applications) to 73 applications.

Criminal jurisdiction

In the 2018 calendar year new criminal appeal filings increased by 8 percent (34 appeals) to 458 new appeals compared to 2017. New criminal applications filings increased by 41 percent (33 applications) to 113. Criminal appeal disposals decreased by 7 percent (31 appeals) to 402 appeals disposed during 2018. Criminal application disposals increased by 60 percent (40 applications) to 107. As at 31 December 2018, the number of active criminal appeals increased by 22 percent (56 appeals) to 305 active appeals compared to the previous year and the number of active criminal applications increased by 15 percent (6 applications) to 45 active applications.